Thursday, July 12, 2012

1-2-3 Magic

This is my third post in one day and I'm not even sure anyone still reads this.

But on the off chance that my friends still do, I wanted to share something that has worked for us. 

Clara will be two next week and according to her daycare teachers, she is talking ahead of what is developmentally normal or even developmentally advanced.  (I say this not to brag, but to explain.)  The result?  She hit the terrible twos early too.  (I actually think she peaked in badness right when Julia was born.)  Terrible twos coincide with communicative talking.  I was pretty worried about her behavior and mentioned it to our pediatrician at her 18 month appointment.  She recommended 1-2-3 Magic and it has been, well, magic.  Clara still throws her fair share of fits and is still pretty wide open, but you can now get her to listen and mind and can even take her out into public without being completely on edge that she's going to melt down any second.  The concept is simple.  State the consequence, count to three without emotion, if you get to three, consequence MUST HAPPEN.  The hardest part is not getting emotional and being consistent.  If you are in the thick of it, I really recommend the book.  It takes a LOT and I mean a BIG GIANT HEAP of patience and an EVEN GIANTER HEAP of attentive parenting.  You know.  The kind you might not have the energy to give with a tiny baby in the house.

See?  Here she is at my parents' 40th anniversary party.  Acting like a civilized precious beast!

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