Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Clara's Birthday Party

When Clara's birthday approached I originally thought we wouldn't have a party.  After talking to a friend, I decided to do something low key.  So, we reserved the shelter at our pool, got some pool toys, an Elmo cake, Sesame Street party supplies, a bunch of packages of goldfish and a cooler full of juice boxes, water and beer and called it a day.

And guess what?  Despite the fact that it wasn't pinterest-worthy, everyone had an amazing time!  And I didn't break the bank or my fragile spirit trying to get it together to put the thing on.

Here's the results in photos:

Clara and her Daddy

Sophia and Erica

Sweet Friends.

Evan--a boy worth fighting over.


Clara and me.

Julia and my dad.

Crowd shot.

Clara and Uncle Tucker

Blowing out the Elmo candle.

The birthday girl!

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