Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Clara has Hand/Foot & Mouth disease which is completely and totally awesome.  She was sick all weekend with a mix of symptoms and out of school yesterday.  Hand/Foot & Mouth is basically every symptom in the book--fever, sore throat, congestion, coughing, vomiting, rash, loss of appetite and lethargy.  None are particularly bad, but in combination, it's just not fun for her.  She's back to normal today and began eating again this morning.  Actually, she was pretty much back to normal yesterday, but could only really drink milk, eat popsicles and drink juice.

So here's some pictures from November.  Clara has more hair now, but not enough more to really be meaningful.

Reasonable minds could differ on who Clara looks like.  Who she takes after?  Not so arguable.  This was not posed in any way.
Clara sharing.
Clara very much not sharing (hard not to laugh).
Clara and Oscar, Natalie's puppy (O-KAR PUPPY!!!)
Take 2 of 1,000.  Natalie is sooo patient.  More patient than O-KAR PUPPY!!! for sure.
Undecorating the Christmas tree.  This landed her in time out, but not before I took some cute pictures!
This is Virginia and me at the Supper Club I hosted in early January.  It was lots of fun until the present exchange.  Dirty Santa got dirty.  Never again!  The point in posting this is to show our Chritmas tree.  Pretty, right?

And one of my favorite pictures ever.

This was when we tried to go see Santa and the line was hoooours long.  We skipped it and rode the Merry-Go-Round instead.  It was a close call.  Apparently the Santa was later arrested for wrong doings.

The next day we went and saw Santa at North Hills.  NO LINE, NO LIE!!  Santa took one look at Clara and said, "you had better get that camera ready."  He was totally right!  She recovered seconds later and the whole thing, from when we walked in the door until when we left didn't take more than 5 minutes.

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